Christmas Gift Ideas To Grow Your Mind and Feed Your Soul

I love shopping for Christmas – so much so that I’m usually done shopping long before Thanksgiving (I was done before the COVID shutdowns this year – thankfully!). I have compiled a few lists, just in case you’re wondering what to get that special someone on your list (or, in case you want to buy something for yourself…totally up to you). These are not your typical Christmas List ideas…they don’t have the top movies, board games, or smart devices. Rather, these gifts will help you grow your mind and feed your soul.

I have listed a few categories, with different DVDs and books that I have labeled for young kids and older kids. There isn’t anything inappropriate in any of these suggestions, but my only criteria for differentiating them is that the list for older kids may be too deep or thought-provoking for younger kids (aka…it may lose their interest). However, adults will enjoy watching/reading the things on these lists (even the one for younger kids). 

Here is the Table of Contents, if you’d prefer to skip around:

Without further ado, here are my suggestions:

Gifts for young kids (and older):

  1. Drive Thru History “America: Columbus to the Constitution”

Drive Thru History is one of the best ways for kids to learn history. Dave Stotts is part comedian and part historian. Some history classes can be dull and boring, but he makes sure that his aren’t – whether he dresses up with fake teeth or accidentally runs into a lightpost. These videos will hold the interest of all ages. Dave Stotts also has other series, such as the Holy Land (Volumes 1-4) and The Gospels. If you want to check out some of his episodes before you go buy any of his series, I found his Discovering America’s Founders series for free on YouTube (just click here).

  1. Our Constitution Rocks! By Juliette Turner

With everything going on in America, it is important that everyone knows what the writers of the Constitution intended. However, with all of the big words that were used to write the document, it can be hard to understand. This book was written so that kids (and any one else) could understand what the Constitution means and protects (and it’s written in a fun way that holds your attention). 

  1. Answers for kids by Ken Ham

This series answers common questions from kids, such as “how old is the earth?” and “why was the first person that God created a boy?” It explains it in a simple, easy to understand way, and then provides scripture references for further research on the answer. This series is really good, and is geared towards younger kids (the author suggests 6-11 years old). 

  1. The Torchlighters

You’ve heard of Perpetua, Gladys Aylward, and Martin Luther, right? This animated series shows how much faith these Christian heroes truly had in God – would you be willing to face a lion because you believe in God? This series is a really good one. It explains the lives of these Christians, their trust in God, and their willingness to die for him. (Note: there is death of some of these characters, although it is nothing graphic).

  1. Greatest Heroes and Legends of the Bible

Every episode starts out with Charlton Heston telling you about a Bible account, and then it goes to an animated video. This series is great for kids to learn about the Bible accounts.

  1. Friends and Heroes  

This animated series teaches you what it was like in Alexandria and Rome from 69 A.D. to 71 A.D. Along the way, you’ll learn about the rebels who hide the Friends of Jesus, and the Romans who want to stamp out Christianity. Each episode is complete with a Bible account that helps the characters decide what the right thing to do is.

  1. Liberty’s Kids & Schoolhouse Rock

Liberty’s Kids is an animated TV series that shows the Revolutionary War through the eyes of a kid. You get to see George Washington, Ben Franklin, and many other Founding Fathers through a new light – how a kid who lived during that time would see them. This series portrays America in a good light…and with the way people are nowadays, I doubt this series will remain available for very long. It doesn’t seem like people want you to think America is good and stands for what’s right (but that’s a whole other post for another day).

Schoolhouse Rock is filled with songs that will help you learn how a bill gets passed, how to count in multiples of 3, what planets are in the solar system, and much more! It’s an easy way to learn things, and they will stick with you throughout life. I’m probably the only college kid that will sing through the multiples of 9 to know what 8×9 really is. 

  1. In Freedom’s Cause (The Extraordinary Adventures of G.A. Henty)

The books by G.A. Henty are fascinating, but I will admit that they are hard to read. Heirloom Audio Productions abridged the books and created audio dramas – complete with sound effects, background music, and different characters. These are a fantastic way to learn history, and one of my favorite things to listen to on a long car ride. There are several CDs in this collection, but In Freedom’s Cause is one of my favorites – it tells the story of William Wallace and Robert the Bruce. These are fantastic, and I highly recommend them!

Gifts for older kids (and up):

  1. Constitution Alive!  

If you want to go in-depth as to what the Constitution really means and what the Founders intended it for, this series is fantastic. The series is very deep and thought provoking, so it may lose the attention of younger audiences. I really enjoyed this series and learned a lot! P.S. if you want to watch it before you buy it, I found the full-length episodes on YouTube for free, just click here.  

  1. Foundations of Freedom

This series, created by the same people who did Constitution Alive! takes you on a journey to discover the foundations of law, the Bible and justice, the Bible and science, God and government, manners and civility, and much more. However, just like Constitution Alive!, if you’d like to watch the episodes before you buy them, they are also available on YouTube for free here.

  1. American Heritage Series

This series goes through why history matters, the Civil Rights Movement, the duty of a free citizen, and much more. If you want to learn more about America’s foundations from a Biblical and historical perspective, this series is perfect and very in-depth. I also found this series on YouTube for free, if you want to watch them before you buy them.

  1. American Heritage Collection

Was America really founded on Christian principles? Did the Bible really play a large role in the founding of this country? If you want to learn true history about America’s values and what the Founding Fathers intended, then this series will fascinate you. The episodes can be long, but they are packed with lots of good information and things that aren’t taught in our liberal, left-leaning schools, books, and TV shows. This series is also available on YouTube, in case you want to watch it before you go and buy the set.

  1. McGuffey readers  

Why did I list these books for older kids? They are, of course, written on a 1-6th grade level. Unfortunately, most people are unable to read and fully understand these books (like the King James Bible, which was written on a 5th grade level). These books are really good, if you want to increase your vocabulary and learn a lot. 

  1. Elsie Dinsmore series  

The Elsie Dinsmore series is great. It follows the life of Elsie Dinsmore, a Christian young lady in the Victorian Era. She leads her dad to Christ and I love this series. I would say that people may lose interest around book four, when Elsie becomes an adult, gets married, and has kids (that’s at least what happened for me). 

  1. Sisters in Time: American Dream 1620-1765

The Sisters in Time series is amazing. They follow girls throughout different time periods in history – from 1620 to beyond World War 2. There was not a complete set of these books, so you would need to buy them individually. I have linked the first set of books in the series above.

  1. Kidnapped by River Rats by Dave & Neta Jackson  

This is only one of the books in their many series. This series of theirs is probably my favorite, but I was unable to find a complete boxed set…it looked like you had to buy the books individually, so I started with the first book in the series. They have multiple other series, though, and all of them are fantastic! 

  1. Christian Heroes Then & Now

Like The Torchlighters series I listed above, these books follow the lives of many Christian Heroes, such as C.S. Lewis, Gladys Aylward, and D.L. Moody. These books can be deep, but they are not difficult to read.

  1. The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Founding Fathers

The Politically Incorrect Guides are just that – politically incorrect. The things that you learn in these books will not be taught in school or anywhere else, because the authors are not afraid of offending anybody – all they want to do is teach you facts. Several of their other books include the Politically Incorrect Guide to Socialism, Climate Change, Hunting, and many more! 

  1. Uncle Eric Books

You can read my review on Whatever Happened to Penny Candy by Richard Maybury here. These books are great for learning, and they involve topics like justice, World War 1 & 2, and politics. I highly recommend this series!

  1. Moody Science Videos

I will admit that this series may not be on-the-edge-of-your-seat exciting, but being able to look at science from a Christian perspective is awesome. You’ll be able to understand the everyday things around you from a scientific and Biblical perspective. These are great for people who love science (like me!) or anyone else who wants to learn more about electric eels and other really cool things.

  1. The Fourth Turning

I think we can all agree that this world is a mess. Everyone is afraid of a virus that has a greater than 95% survival rate, depending on your age. I’d wager to say it shocked most people with how quickly everyone became afraid of a virus. Have you ever heard the phrase, history repeats itself? It does turn out that history repeats itself – and that is what we’re seeing now. Every 80 years, there is a major struggle against tyranny – the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, World War 2…and we are nearing the 80 year cycle again. This book is deep, but it will open your eyes to the world and give you a whole new perspective. 

  1. The Ultimate Answers Pack by Ken Ham

Like the Answers Set for Kids, this series answers questions such as “Where was the Garden of Eden?” and “Are there really unicorns in the Bible?”. If you have a question about the Bible, Creation, or a Christian Worldview, you’ll likely be able to find the answer in this set.

Gifts for Bible Studiers:

  1. King James Bible

I use the King James Bible, even though many people say it’s hard to read and understand. One day, I’ll write a post on why I believe the KJV is the best version to use (and back it up with resources), but for now, here’s a short list: The only time King is capitalized is when the Bible refers to Jesus or God – not people like king Herod (showing that God is King over all), the version is the closest to the original manuscripts, and there have been very few changes since its creation (usually only in spelling – ex. feare vs fear). NOT errors, mind you…language variances.

  1. Strong’s concordance  

This is probably the best concordance you could ever own, and it will certainly help you study the Bible. I’m not sure what else to say except get it if you want to go in depth during your Bible studies.

  1. Webster’s 1828 dictionary

Noah Webster’s 1828 dictionary is the best dictionary. It has almost every word you would ever need to look up, and when applicable, uses scripture to give deeper understanding to the word. The fact that this is an older dictionary is helpful when you are studying the Bible and aren’t sure what exactly whereunto means. This is the dictionary I was raised using…and now, when I try to use a newer dictionary, it doesn’t make as much sense and it’s not as detailed as Webster’s 1828.

Gifts for someone who needs a new hobby:

A few of these books have “for kids” in the title, but before you think this list is just for kids, hold on. So many “how to” books speak as though you already know what you’re doing – that you have a certain reference point – but what if you don’t? Kids books assume no prior knowledge, are often simpler (with more detailed photos), and they explain things far better. So, just because the book says it’s “for kids” doesn’t mean that only kids can use it.

  1. My First Crochet Book: Learn to Crochet for Kids

Crocheting is fun (although personally I like to knit better). The reason many people are attracted to crochet is because there are tons of different stitches (unlike knitting, where you only have two). Crocheting can travel with you, meaning you can do it in-between classes to keep your hands busy and stay off of your phone. 

  1. Kids Knitting: Projects for Kids of All Ages

I love knitting, and I really like this book. It teaches you how to knit and read patterns, and then it gives you several – such as a patchwork quilt and a stuffed animal. It turns out that with dedication, these knitting projects aren’t hard…and once you have mastered them, then you can move on to the harder techniques like Fair Isle Knitting. 

  1. Sewing for Kids: 30 Fun Projects to Hand and Machine Sew

Being able to sew is a good skill – whether you’re sewing on a button, making a teddy bear, or designing your own wardrobe. Being able to learn how to hand sew and use a sewing machine is good, and why I recommend this book. 

  1. The How-To Cookbook for Teens: 100 Easy Recipes to Learn the Basics

Being able to cook is important. It saves you a lot of money, and it’s better for you. But cooking can be intimidating. Stepping back and using a teen cookbook will help you conquer your fear of the kitchen. Using simple recipes and easy to master techniques, you’ll soon be able to work your way out of this book and into creating the perfect steak dinner (unless you’re vegetarian…and then I guess you could make a pretty cool salad).

  1. Prepare for Anything: 338 Essential Skills

It’s always good to be able to rely on yourself when things go wrong. Being able to perform first aid, defend your home, and survive through a power outage or hurricane are skills everyone should know – especially with the world we live in. (I’ve even met the author and he showed us how to set a snare!)

  1. Survival Mom: How to Prepare Your Family for Everyday Disasters and Worst-Case Scenarios

Things can happen – you can lose electricity, your job, or the world could just go insane. You need to be self-reliant and know how to protect yourself and your family (and self-defense doesn’t have to include a gun). In this book, you’ll learn how to prepare for a natural disaster, create alternative sources of energy, proper food storage, and much more.

  1. Back to Basics: A Complete Guide to Traditional Skills  

This book will teach you how to make your own energy, raise livestock, grow a successful garden, and other homesteading techniques. You don’t need to live in the country to be able to make a rug or grow your own produce – you can become self-reliant right where you are.

  1. The All New Ball Book of Canning and Preserving

This book will teach you how to can and preserve your food. It’s actually a lot of fun to make your own jelly (especially when you can use white grape juice instead of regular grape juice), and it’s a good skill to have.

Stocking stuffers: 

Preferences vary from family to family, and in my grandmother’s day, oranges were the special thing in the stocking. This girl always appreciates candy (although it never lasts very long)! Other ideas for kids through adults include gel pens, bookmarks, post-it notes, hairbrushes, and simple games like pick-up-sticks. And honestly if you help kids appreciate the “simpler” toys…it’ll be a lot better for them than just handing them a smartphone (but that’s coming from someone who didn’t get a phone until I was off at college…and even then, it’s a flip phone).  

  1. Chick tracts set

This set contains a variety of Chick tracts, but my absolute favorite one would be Charlie’s Ants. All of these are good, but Charlie’s Ants describes salvation in a super simple way. These comic-book style tracts are good for stocking stuffers or adding to the basket of cookies for your neighbor.

Hopefully this list was able to give you a few ideas for Christmas (or birthday gifts) for those you know (or even for yourself). But the best gift that you could ever give someone is the good news of Jesus Christ. I challenge you to tell at least one person about God’s sacrifice for us this Christmas season. Especially during the Christmas season, people are looking for hope. Almost every governor in this country is trying to ruin Christmas and Christmas gatherings, and it’s only going to get worse. So make sure some good news is spread too – about how Jesus wrapped himself in flesh, died for our sins, and rose again to keep us from going to Hell.

If you are not 100% sure that you’ll go to Heaven when you die, now is the time to repent and put your trust in Jesus Christ. If you have any questions or doubts about your salvation, click here to read how you can be saved!

Disclaimer: The links in this post are affiliate links. This means that if you purchase any of these, at no extra cost to you, I may receive a commission. You can read my full disclaimer here

20 thoughts on “Christmas Gift Ideas To Grow Your Mind and Feed Your Soul

    1. Thank you! Cooking is an invaluable skill to have and will last a lifetime! Plus, it makes fond (and sometimes hilarious…we’ll never see that plastic plate again😂) memories when you get to cook with your mom…even if you’re only making grilled cheese sandwiches.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. This is a wonderful list! Thank you for sharing. I’m already familiar with many of the titles but some were new and I appreciate hearing about them. I love how you are looking to expound the person’s perspective through gifts which bring much more than a short lived thrill. Thank you for sharing!God bless and Merry Christmas!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you liked the list! Something that’s useful is always better than the frivolous dust collector 😉. Knowledge, once gained, is the only thing that can’t be taken from you or taxed! Blessings to you and yours, and Merry Christmas!

      Liked by 1 person

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