Letter To A Student: Get Off To A Good Start

Dear Student (college, high school, or any other student reading this),

My fall semester is about to begin, which means yours probably is as well. Are you excited for your classes this semester? I am excited for you – I can already imagine all of the awesome and amazing things you’ll learn! You may not enjoy each class you’re taking (like ethics and philosophy), but that’s okay. Make the best of the situation and put forth your best effort in school. Here are four things that I want you to remember as you get ready for school to start back up.

  1. Take good notes and stay organized

Now is the time to get into a good habit. I know you’re probably excited to be getting back into a routine, so make sure to set a good one. Take well-written, detailed, and thorough notes. No matter how you take them (outline vs. sentences, etc.), at the end of the day, make sure to put them in their place. That means all immunology notes go in the immunology notebook, while your physics notes stay in your physics notebook. Make sure to get in a good habit – this will help the rest of your semester fall into place. Don’t forget to fill out your planner with important deadlines!

  1. Make good relationships with your professors

Make sure to show your professors how much you appreciate them and their time by showing up to class on time (or even better – early). Don’t get too casual when you talk with them (for example, calling them by their first name). Remember that they worked hard to earn their degree. If you respect them, they’re more likely to respect you.

  1. Don’t be afraid to ask for help 

It’s totally okay and completely normal to not understand things right away! Don’t be afraid to ask for help! People will not look down on you if you say you need help understanding the material (and if they do, it’s their problem, not yours). Go ask your professor for help (that’s what they’re there for), or ask some of your peers. Make sure you get off to a good start this semester – don’t fall behind because you didn’t ask for help when you needed it.

  1. Share God’s love

Lastly, (and most importantly) make sure to share God’s love with everyone you meet. Don’t be afraid to share the Gospel with those you encounter. Don’t hide the good news of Jesus’ love from people – share it! I know it can be tough to walk up to someone and start talking to them, but that’s not the only way to show the love of God. Be kind, respectful, honest, and full of integrity. You will stand out. People will look at you funny. It’s okay to be different. Remember that we are not supposed to blend in and be like everyone else (Romans 12:2). Be the light in this dark world. 

I hope you have a fantastic and fabulous start to your semester – whether it is in-person or online. Give it your best – I know you’ve got this!

“And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;” 

– Colossians 3:23

Have a great semester!


P.S. If you want to go more in-depth, check out my articles on study tips, how to do well in online classes, how to share the Gospel (without always having initiate the conversation), or how to ask your professors for help studying.

If you are not 100% sure that you’ll go to Heaven when you die, now is the time to repent and put your trust in Jesus Christ. If you have any questions or doubts about your salvation, click here to learn how you can be saved!

Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, King James Version.

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